Why You Should Think About High-End House Flips

By Tarek El Moussa When people think of flipping houses, they usually think about foreclosures and short sales. They also have a stereotype in their heads about the kinds of people who get foreclosed on and the kinds of properties they own. As a result, they completely miss an amazing market for flip houses that…


When to STOP Rehabbing –Important Tips for Flipping Houses

By Tarek El Moussa

If you stay in the flipping business long enough, you’re going to run into a house that’s just a total flop. As much as you research the property, the neighborhood, and everything involved with finding great deals, statistically speaking, you’re going to have at least a couple of nightmares along the way. So, how can you tell when you’ve reached that point where you just can’t do anything more for a house? How do you know when to stop rehabbing?
